☆七個不同層面來考慮程序的構成要素(procedural elements)
① 選擇委託人(selection of agents):規範應由誰負責制定分配決策的程序
(procedures for determining who makes allocation decisions)。
② 設定基礎法則(setting ground rules):規範須達成的目標、評估標準及可能的獎勵的程序
(procedures for determining and evaluating potential rewards, and the behaviors necessary to attain them)。
③ 搜集資訊(gathering information):搜集與運用獲獎勵者資訊的程序
(procedures for obtaining and using information about reward recipients)。
④ 決策結構(decision structure):明確定義分配決策過程的程序
(procedures for defining the structure of the allocative decision process)。
⑤ 申訴(appeals):針對不滿的決策尋求改善的程序
(procedures for seeking redress against unsatisfactory decisions)。
⑥ 預防措施(safeguards):確保決策權力核心不會濫用職權的程序
(procedures for ensuring that the decision-making body does not abuse its power)。
⑦ 改變機制(change mechanisms):授權改變分配作法的程序
(procedures enabling allocation practices to be altered)。
☆七個不同層面來考慮程序的構成要素(procedural elements)
① 選擇委託人(selection of agents):規範應由誰負責制定分配決策的程序
(procedures for determining who makes allocation decisions)。
② 設定基礎法則(setting ground rules):規範須達成的目標、評估標準及可能的獎勵的程序
(procedures for determining and evaluating potential rewards, and the behaviors necessary to attain them)。
③ 搜集資訊(gathering information):搜集與運用獲獎勵者資訊的程序
(procedures for obtaining and using information about reward recipients)。
④ 決策結構(decision structure):明確定義分配決策過程的程序
(procedures for defining the structure of the allocative decision process)。
⑤ 申訴(appeals):針對不滿的決策尋求改善的程序
(procedures for seeking redress against unsatisfactory decisions)。
⑥ 預防措施(safeguards):確保決策權力核心不會濫用職權的程序
(procedures for ensuring that the decision-making body does not abuse its power)。
⑦ 改變機制(change mechanisms):授權改變分配作法的程序
(procedures enabling allocation practices to be altered)。
① 一致性規則(consistency
(allocation procedures should be consistent across persons and over time)
(allocation procedures should be consistent across persons and over time)
② 避免偏見規則(bias suppression rule):在分配過程中應該摒棄私利和偏見;
(personal self-interest in the allocation process should be prevented)
(personal self-interest in the allocation process should be prevented)
③ 準確性規則(accuracy
(decisions must be based on accurate information)
(decisions must be based on accurate information)
④ 可修正規則(correctability
(opportunities must exist to enable decisions to be modified)
(opportunities must exist to enable decisions to be modified)
⑤ 代表性規則(representative
(the allocation process must represent the concerns of all recipients)
(the allocation process must represent the concerns of all recipients)
⑥ 道德與倫理規則(moral and
ethical rule):
(allocations must be based on prevailing moral and ethical standards)
see also
Folger, R., Greenberg, J. (1985): Procedural Justice: An Interpretive Analysis of Personnel Systems, in: Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, v.3 (141-183)(註:上列7要素和6原則出現在 page 146)
(allocations must be based on prevailing moral and ethical standards)
see also
Folger, R., Greenberg, J. (1985): Procedural Justice: An Interpretive Analysis of Personnel Systems, in: Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, v.3 (141-183)(註:上列7要素和6原則出現在 page 146)