2013年5月28日 星期二

Cooking pot markets (Ghosh,1998) 摘述

Ghosh, R. A. (1998). Cooking pot markets: an economic model for the trade in free goods and services on the Internet. First Monday, 3 (3-2) Retrieved from: http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/580/501

There is the first glimpse of a process of give and take, by which people do lots of work on their creations which are distributed not for nothing, but in exchange for things of value.
There is the first glimpse of a process of give and take, by which people do lots of work on their creations which exchange for happiness of helping others.

Although the connection between giving and taking seems tenuous at best, it is in fact crucial.

Because whatever resources there are on the Net for you to take out, without payment, were all put in by others without payment; the Net's resources that you consume were produced by others for similar reasons - in exchange for what they consumed, and so on. 因為你在網路上免費取用由他人無償貢獻的各種資源,你取用網路資源來自他人生產的作品,交換條件是他人以此類推,取用著網路資源。


So the economy of the Net begins to look like a vast tribal cooking-pot, surging with production to match consumption, simply because everyone understands - instinctively, perhaps - that trade need not occur in single transactions of barter, and that one product can be exchanged for millions at a time.
網路經濟一開始看起來像一個巨大的部落烹飪鍋,湧動著生產,以符合消費,只因為每個人都明白 - 本能,也許是 - 交易不會發生在單一的以貨易貨的交易,一個產品可同時與數百萬產品交換。

So the economy of the Net begins to look like a vast tribal cooking-pot, surging with production to match consumption, simply because everyone understands - instinctively, perhaps - that trade need not occur in single transactions of barter, and that one product can be exchanged for millions at a time.
網路經濟一開始,看起來像一個巨大的部落烹飪鍋,大量洶湧地生產,以符合消費,只因為每個人如本能似的明白 ,也許是 - 交易不會發生在單一的以貨易貨的交易,一個產品可同時與數百萬產品交換。

The common assumption that the Net feels at home with free goods and vague trade because its population is averse to money, altruistic or slightly demented is wrong. 
註:altruistic sentiment 利他的情操

The cooking-pot model provides a rational explanation for people's motivations to produce and trade in goods and services, where a monetary incentive is lacking. 

The cooking-pot market is not barter, as it does not require individual transactions.

Every contributor gets much more than a fair return in the form of combined contributions of others. 

