2013年5月22日 星期三

Free culture (Lessig, 2008) 摘述

Lessig, L. (2008). Free culture : how big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity.
Retrieved from:http://www.free-culture.cc/freeculture.pdf 

see also:
http://www.ted.com/talks/lessig_nyed.html (Lessig TED)

A free culture, like a free market, is filled with property.

The Internet has made communication faster, it has lowered the cost of gathering data, and so on.
They are the sort of thing that would simply go away if we all just switched the Internet off.

This piracy comes in many forms(盜版的形式繁多). The most significant is commercial piracy, the unauthorized taking of other people's content within a commercial context.

Hence over time, because that buying will benefit Microsoft, Microsoft benefits from the piracy.(隨著時間的推移, 購買的行為有利於微軟,微軟從盜版獲得好處,例如: 迅速擴充試用人口、使用人口暴增)

To fight "piracy," to protect "property," the content industry has launched a war.
My aim so far has been to describe the consequences of this war, in particular, the consequences for "free culture."

Capturing and sharing content, of course, is what humans have done since the dawn of man.
(如玲譯: 捕捉與分享內容是打從有人類署光開始,就天經地義的)

Technology has thus given us an opportunity to do something with culture that has only ever been possible for individuals in small groups, isolated from others. Think about an old man telling a story to a collection of neighbors in a small town. Now imagine that same storytelling extended across the globe.

This is the world of the mafia - filled with "your money of your life" offers, governed in the end not by courts but by the threats that the law empowers copyright holders to exercise. It is a system that will obviously and necessarily stifle new innovation. 
(註: 這世界根本就像黑手黨,衝買要錢或要命的恫嚇,由法院來判定著作權的授權,著作權抑制了創新)

Copyright is regulation that benefits some and harms others.

