2013年1月22日 星期二

協作文獻探討-VIST model (Hertel, 2002)

Hertel, G.(2002). Management virtueller teams auf der basis sozialpsychologischer modelle [management of virtual teams based on social psychology models]. In Witte, E. H. (ed.) Sozialpsychologie Wirtschaftlicher Prozesse. Pabst Publishers, Lengerich, Germany, pp. 179-202.

Hertel, G., Deter, C. & Konradt, U.. (Oct, 2003). Motivation gains in computer-mediated groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 2080-2105

VIST model(Hertel, 2002), individuals' motivation to work in a virtual team is termined by four main components: valence, instrumentality , self-efficacy, and trust.

Valence(價值) is defined as the subjective evaluation of the team goals(團隊目標的主觀評價) similar to the valence part of collective motives in the EKM.

Instrumentality(媒介) is defined as the perceived importance or indispensability of one's own contribution for the group outcome.該組的結果能彰顯自己貢獻的重要性

Self-efficacy(自我效能感) describes the perceived contingency that one's own high effort leads to high performance.自己的努力有機會展現高效能。

Trust is defined as the expectancy of team member that their efforts will be reciprocated and not exploited by other team members(interpersonal trust), and that the elecyronic support system works reliably (trust in the system).

